You will find the audios for different ensembles free to download). (All of the audios have been sequenced using SIBELIUS).
Jaime Romero
Jaime Romero
Estudiantina - Small Orchestra
In this section, you will find free downloadable audios sequenced with SIBELIUS.
Formats include:
- Estudiantina: (1 flute, 6 bandolas, 4 tiples, 4 guitars, 1 double bass)
- Small Colombian Orchestra: (1 flute, 1 violin, 2 bandolas, 1 tiple, 1 guitar, 1 double bass)
- Andean Colombian Quartet and Percussion: (2 bandolas, 1 tiple y 1 guitar)
- Strings Orchestra and Andean Colombia Trio: (2 violins, viola, cello, contrabass, bandola, tiple, guitar).
- Andean Colombian Ensemble: (3 bandola, 2 tiples, 2 guitars)
- Clarinets Quartet.